French Black Copper Marans lay the darkest egg of any chicken breed. The darkest eggs can range from a chocolate brown to almost burgundy in color. This beautiful breed has a copper-colored feathers on the neck and lightly feathered legs.
We do breed for show quality and not necessarily darkness of egg color. Although we have some nice dark eggs, they are not the darkest out there to be found. When Black Copper Marans start their new laying cycle, they lay their darkest eggs and as the laying season continues the eggs will become lighter in color, as with any colored-egg layer.
The original Marans (poule de Marans) comes from La Rochelle’s area in south western France. It is said that there has never been a known case of Salmonella in the Marans egg due to the molecular structure of the shell. James Bond made the Maran egg famous in his early movie From Russia with Love.
There will be minimum of six chicks per order. You may select different breeds to meet the minimum order total of six chicks. You do not have to order all of the same breed. These will be straight run chicks, meaning that they will NOT be sexed as either male or female.
Chicks will be shipped by USPS 1-2 day Express Mail on Tuesday or Wednesday of each week, unless otherwise arranged. We will NOT ship your chicks if you do not select Express shipping. The chicks will be 24 hours or less old when shipped. Each box will include the UniHeat pad to keep the chicks warm and Grogel for a food/hydrations source, as well as coconut netting for flooring and fruit in each box in each box included in the price of Express shipping.
We will communicate with our customers in advance to give them a heads up on arrival times, confirming that shipment works for their schedule and that they are expecting the chicks to arrive. If you have a preferred week of arrival, please add us a note at checkout and we will do our best to make your preferred week of arrival happen, but please don't hate on us if we can't.
We do not issue refunds or credits for shipping charges once the birds have been shipped.
All live birds will be held for pickup at local post office. Please follow USPS tracking information that will be sent to your email once order has been shipped. Your telephone number will be posted on the outside of the box.
Black Copper Marans Chicks
All live birds will be held for pickup at local post office. Please follow USPS tracking information that will be sent to your email once order has been shipped. Your telephone number will be posted on the outside of the box.