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6 French Black Copper Marans Fertile Hatching Eggs
  • French Black Copper Marans lay the darkest egg of any chicken breed. The darkest eggs can range from a chocolate brown to almost burgundy in color. This beautiful breed has a copper-colored feathers on the neck and lightly feathered legs.


    We do breed for show quality and not necessarily darkness of egg color. Although we have some nice dark eggs, they are not the darkest out there to be found. When Black Copper Marans start their new laying cycle, they lay their darkest eggs and as the laying season continues the eggs will become lighter in color, as with any colored-egg layer.


     The original Marans (poule de Marans) comes from La Rochelle’s area in south western France. It is said that there has never been a known case of Salmonella in the Marans egg due to the molecular structure of the shell. James Bond made the Maran egg famous in his early movie From Russia with Love.

    Black Witch Farm Prize-Winning Line

    6 French Black Copper Marans Fertile Hatching Eggs

    SKU: 6FBCM
    These eggs are currently out of stock. You may purchase as a pre-order. We will notify when your order is available to ship. Thank you for your patience. We promise these chicks will be worth the wait.
    • 6+ French Black Copper Marans fertile hatching eggs from our prize-winning line of hens. They are well loved on our small Pennsylvania NPIP-Certified homestead. These feather-footed French Black Copper Marans are very sweet and docile birds, as seen in OUR OWN professional farm photos. 


    2020 Black Witch Farm ©

    West Middlesex, Pennsylvania 16159 

    all photos are property of Black Witch Farm and subject to copyright laws 

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