Ayam Cemani is an uncommon and relatively modern breed of chicken from Indonesia related to their Indian cousins the Kadaknath. They have a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation (fibromelanosis), making the chickens black, including feathers, beak, and internal organs.
The Ayam Cemani are a very docile breed of bird. The hens are also very broody. When one hen goes broody, a few others will alway help her sit and raise the chicks. You will have no trouble creating a second generation from your eggs.
6 Ayam Cemani Fertile Hatching Eggs
6+ Ayam Cemani Fertile Hatching Eggs from our small Pennsylvania NPIP-certified homestead. We have one very handsome all black rooster, as seen in OUR OWN professional farm photos and several beautiful hens. Our birds are spoiled have access to lots grass and bugs, and are essentially free-ranged within a movable fence on our homestead.
Disclaimer: With hatching eggs, we do not guarantee all chicks will hatch completely black. Some chicks may have a clear toenail, or white toe tip that will grow out with age and other chicks can be completely beautiful black chicks. Even the most perfect chicks might develop mulberry at maturity or develop a small amount of feather leakage after a molt. Due to the nature of fibromelanism, it's not possible to erase all leakage in every hatch, or every chick hatched from our egg stock. Some leakage will crop up no matter how diligent we have been and how nice we think our breeding pens are, something true breeders understand and work to improve with each new generation of Ayam Cemani of their own. We are constantly improving our breeding pens. We hope you understand and will create your own breeding lines and culling program to develop these birds to their fullest potential. It is not often, but we occasionally see a small feather sprout on the shanks of some of our birds, too.